Smarter business phones use time-saving features to promote productivity. When a call comes in, IO Phone pulls the profile and lead information for the caller based on their phone number.
Make your business phone smarter by Auto-Routing customer calls to their applicable Sales Rep – ultimately reducing the time it takes for them to get the answer they need.
Our most beloved feature! Automatically send out text messages reminding your customers of payment dates, delivery times, or even send out schedule reminders for staffing and support.
Let’s say you send out an auto-text to all of your weekend scheduled events and one of the customers responds back with a question, IO Phone auto tracks the details and saves them to the CRM profile for that customer.
When you miss a call rest assured your voicemail is ready to happily receive the message. Easily setup voicemail inboxes for all of your staff or designate an inbox for calls coming in after-hours.
Keep track of your entire team’s calls and text messages. All calls are logged and stored in the CRM. This feature allows you the ability to review the last conversation to keep you on track with the customer.
"More than anything my staff loves that when someone calls you don’t have to ask who they are or what their order number is… it pulls up their order automatically when they call. It’s also great for sending delivery time texts and outbound calling without having to dial any numbers…. having calls and texts all attached to that specific customer is a plus as well."
– Tariq Elkhatib
Achieve maximum call flexibility: Forward your one business number called by your customers to any other phones. Schedule when you want phones to ring.
Voicemail boxes obviously catch all callers that you miss and allow them to leave a message for you. Without a company voicemail box, the caller will just continue hearing the ring tone or your greeting if no ring schedule rules are met or if no one on your ring schedules answers.
For instance, turn your cell phone on during the weekends or set your delivery driver’s phone to ring when one of his customers is calling on the day of the event.
Or you could –
Unlock the power of IO Phone Voicemail
Texting is not only for the kids.
Text messaging continues to grow into a powerful form of quick communication used worldwide.
"My FAVORITE part is the automated texting."
– Chad Burkholder
Keeping track of your phone performance has never been easier. Track all of your workers’ call performance with stats and charts.
Track all of your workers’ call performance with stats and charts. Tracking of what phones were ringed and when. Email alerts available for missed calls, voicemails, and text messages. Quickly reply to your customer’s email address from your email when you get alerts for calls/texts.
More options for your voicemail than ever before.
IO Phone makes all other parts of IO better CRM improvements include seeing call logs and transcribed voicemails.
Workers module allows automated call forwarding to the correct workers. Experience a more complete IO App by being able to call out with IO Phone directly from your cell phone.
Try us out for free and you will soon find out why we are able to help the biggest companies scale so quickly.
InflatableOffice is the best party rental software in the world. Thousands use our software every day, but even more important is that the largest and most successful companies in the industry choose us for their rental software needs.
The average company does 300k in revenue each year with our party rental software.
Some of the largest companies in the industry use us because we help them automate and scale their business. If you want to be the biggest and best, you should imitate those already there and choose us for your rental software needs.
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