IO Vendors
Streamline Vendor Management

Create Vendor Profiles
Link Vendors to Inventory Items
Create and Send Purchase Orders
Reports Showing Vendors, their Items, and Sales
Easily Search and View Vendor Info
Get All Vendors to Bid and Take Best Prices
Automatic Availability & Pricing for Vendors Using Our Software
Automatic Lead Creation and Work Flow for Vendors Using Our Software
Vendor Expenses Automatically Imported into QuickBooks Online
Automatic and Manual Email Templates Making Communication Simple
Track Cost Based per Job Based on Vendor Items Costs

Vendor Profiles & Records
Streamline storage of Vendor information, Purchase Orders per Vendor, and note documentation to create excellent record keeping and vendor organization within your IO account.
Manage Vendors
Simplify management of vendor contracts for your events and still maintain control over the customer’s event and sensitive data.

Vendor Sharing
Encourages Collaboration within our software and promotes further integration features that will benefit both you and your vendor friends.