Software Training
Schedule custom training and support solutions for your company.
FREE 1-hr Online Training Lessons
Contact us to schedule a free 1 hour training session via an online meeting:
- Our online meeting software works on all platforms. You can even connect via your phone for those who want to listen but are not in the office.
- It’s free! We offer no charge training all the time, subject to our availability of course.
- Meet with one of our technical support staff for up to an hour at a time and get your team moving in IO.

1-DAY IO Headquarters Visit & Training
Visit IO headquarters in Akron, Ohio and meet with multiple IO staff members in training sessions customized to your needs.
- Four people from your company and 8 hour session maximum.
- All travel expenses paid by your company.
- $750 fee, includes lunch provided by InflatableOffice.
- We will give you an entire day with IO staff to educate your team on all the topics you are interested in.
- We will plan the day and pick spaces conducive for the training you need.
- Normally not available January-June.
On-site visit at your facility
You can book one of our technical support staff to visit your location.
- IO staff will learn how your company works, then help customize your IO account to meet your unique needs.
- Travel expenses (flight, hotel, transportation) must be covered by your company, minimum $400.
- Maximum of two days of training per booking at $1500/day.
- Normally not available January-June.